Xander Jake de los Santos

Hello! I'm Xander, self-taught web developer and artist. Welcome to my corner of the interwebs.

I want to draw whatever I feel like one day. The style I'm going for is colorful semi-realism with a little bit of anime. Ideally, I'll be able to make art in any style. My main app is krita because it's free!

Neovim is my editor of choice. I started with react/js, then sveltekit/ts/node. Currently exploring compiled languages, specifically go and rust. Also trying out htmx because theprimeagen talked about it.

My ongoing project is wips.art. It's a platform for artists designed for sharing wips. Originally written with sveltekit/firebase and rewriting it rust, htmx and postgres trying to keep costs low as possible. more...

You can find me everywhere @xanderjakeq.